Running the dust settling test
This test is described in Price & Laibe 2015
Set up the problem as usual with SETUP=dustsettle:
mkdir runs/dustsettle
cd runs/dustsettle
~/phantom/scripts/ dustsettle > Makefile
make setup
make moddump
To run the test you first need to relax the disc atmosphere:
./phantomsetup relax
I recommend you do NOT add dust at this stage (i.e. set dtg=0). Just run the relaxation with gas only:
PL15 recommended you relax the disc for ~15 orbits. By default each dump file is output every 0.1 orbits, so 15 orbits corresponds to dump file number 150.
Then use moddump to add dust:
./phantommoddump relax_00150 disc_00000 0.
and run the dust settling test:
If you keep the same dtmax as in then every 10 orbits corresponds to disc_00100, disc_00200 etc. which are the times shown in Figures 7-9 of the PL15 paper.