Running phantom on a remote cluster (general instructions)

The following are some general tips and tricks for working on a remote computing cluster. See the userguide for guidelines specific to particular machines.

Logging in to a remote machine

Once you have an account on the remote machine, with a username, proceed as follows.

In the following I will assume your username is “me101”. Login using the “secure shell” command:

$ ssh -Y

The ‘-Y’ is to enable forwarding of X-Windows connection (necessary for splash remote visualisation).

Usually I make an alias for ssh so the -Y gets added automatically. That is, add the following line to your .bashrc file:

$ alias ssh='ssh -Y'

Finally, it is helpful to not have to type your password every time you log in. For instructions on how to do this, google for “ssh key exchange” and follow some of the excellent online tutorials.

Copying files to/from a remote machine

Copy files using the scp command. For example, to copy the file “” TO the remote machine:

$ scp

Pay special attention to the colon, otherwise you will just get a local file called! If you want to specify the path on the remote host, you can give the path relative to your home directory after the colon, e.g.:

$ scp

To copy FROM the remote machine, just issue the same command in reverse:

$ scp .

where the ‘.’ indicates ‘copy to the current directory’.

To ease the process of copying files to/from remote machines, I usually set up some bash helper functions. To do this add the following lines to your ~/.bashrc:

gadiget ()
   scp$* .;

 gadiput ()
   scp $*;

then you can simply type the following to retrieve files from the remote machine:

$ gadiget runs/phantom/mysim/

or, to copy files onto your home directory on the remote machine:

$ gadiput

Environment variables

To compile and run phantom it is necessary to set several “environment variables”. These are variables which are set using the “export” command in bash, e.g.:

$ export MYNAME=Daniel

then you can query them using the “echo” command, e.g.:

$ echo $NAME

You can also list all your current environment variable settings using the “env” command, e.g.:

$ env


Most supercomputing facilities allow you to load certain compilers or programs that are not installed by default using the “module” command.

You can search for relevant modules (i.e. missing programs) using “module avail”, then load them using “module load”:

$ module avail
 $ module load intel-compiler

Then you can list the modules you have loaded using “module list”:

$ module list
 Currently Loaded Modulefiles:
  1) pbs   2) intel-compiler/2020.1.217   3) ffmpeg/4.1.3

Setting environment variables and modules every time you log in

To set environment variables and aliases every time you login, simply place the relevant commands in the .bashrc file in your home directory. For example, edit this file using your favourite text editor:

$ vi ~/.bashrc

Then add the necessary environment variables needed for phantom (and splash) to run correctly. For example, mine contains:

export SYSTEM=nci
export PATH=$PATH:/scratch/fu7/splash/bin
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/scratch/fu7/splash/giza/lib
source ~/.modules

The .modules file is a file I used to list my “module load” commands:

vi ~/.modules

where mine currently contains:

module load intel-compiler
module load ffmpeg

If you use the “make qscript” functionality in phantom, then your job submission script will automatically load the relevant modules.

Configuring git on your cluster

The first time you use git on a particular machine, you need to specify your name and email address:

$ git config "Daniel Price"
$ git config ""

These are important because they are what is written on your commit log messages when you make commits to the git repo.

Get phantom

Clone a copy of phantom into your home directory:

$ git clone

Distinguishing between /home and /scratch filesystems

Most supercomputing facilities only give you a small quota of filespace that is backed up, i.e. your “home” space. Calculations that output large files are expected to use more temporary disk space (i.e. “scratch” space). So this means you should check out and compile code in your home space, but perform the actual calculations in scratch filespace. I usually configure this by making some simple shortcuts (using the “ln -s” command).

For example, I make a subdirectory called “runs” from my home directory which is really a shortcut to the /scratch filesystem:

cd /scratch/fu7
mkdir $USER
ln -s /scratch/fu7/$USER runs
cd runs
pwd -P

You can see that it is a shortcut by typing “ls -l” in your home space:

$ ls -l
lrwxrwxrwx 1 me101 pt4        19 Dec 13 14:01 runs -> /scratch/fu7/me101

Creating your initial conditions

then make a subdirectory for the name of the calculation you want to run (e.g. tde):

$ cd; cd runs
$ mkdir tde
$ cd tde
$ ~/phantom/scripts/ grtde > Makefile
$ make setup
$ make

then run phantomsetup to create your initial conditions:

$ ./phantomsetup tde
(just press enter to all the questions to get the default)

Submitting a job to the cluster

To run the code, you need to write a pbs or slurm script. You can get an example by typing “make qscript”:

$ make qscript JOBNAME=myrun > run.q

should produce something like:

$ cat run.q
## PBS Job Submission Script, created by "make qscript" Tue Mar 31 12:32:08 AEDT 2020
#PBS -l ncpus=48
#PBS -N myrun
#PBS -q normal
#PBS -P fu7
#PBS -o
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -m e
#PBS -l walltime=48:00:00
#PBS -l mem=16G
#PBS -l other=hyperthread
## phantom jobs can be restarted:
#PBS -r y

env | grep PBS
cat $PBS_NODEFILE > nodefile
echo Time is `date`
echo Directory is `pwd`

ulimit -s unlimited
export OMP_SCHEDULE="dynamic"
export OMP_STACKSIZE=1024m

echo "starting phantom run..."
export outfile=`grep logfile "" | sed "s/logfile =//g" | sed "s/\\!.*//g" | sed "s/\s//g"`
echo "writing output to $outfile"
./phantom >& $outfile

You can then proceed to submit the job to the queue using:

qsub run.q

Check the status using:

qstat -u $USER

Delete the job using:

qdel <jobid>

where the jobid is the id for the job listed in qstat

Slurm vs pbs, and configuring the phantom Makefile for your cluster

Slurm is the main alternative to PBS for managing job submission. The functionality is similar but the commands are different. You can configure the “make qscript” command in phantom to use either by making your own “SYSTEM” block in phantom/build/Makefile_systems and specifying QSYS=slurm or QSYS=pbs. For example, add the following lines to phantom/build/Makefile_systems:

ifeq ($(SYSTEM), mycluster)
    include Makefile_defaults_ifort
    QSYS = slurm

Then set your SYSTEM environment variable appropriately and you should get a slurm script instead of a PBS script:

$ export SYSTEM=mycluster
$ make qscript

For slurm the relevant commands are then:

sbatch run.q

and check status using:


Monitoring your job output

The pbs script written by “make qscript” ensures that the output of your calculation, that would normally go to the screen, instead is output to a file called “tde01.log”, which is automatically updated to “tde02.log” if you restart the calculation. You can monitor the output if the calculation while it is running in the queue using the “tail -f” command:

$ tail -f tde01.log

Type ctrl-c to quit the “tail -f”. Obviously you can also look at the dump files as they arrive using splash:

$ splash tde_0*

A common problem is to have forgotten to type “ssh -Y”, which will give you the following error:

Graphics device/type (? to see list, default /xw):
%giza - ERROR - _giza_open_device_xw: Connection to the X server could not be made
 ERROR opening plotting device

To fix this you need to log out and log back in again using “ssh -Y”. If you are using the Windows Linux Subsystem you will also need to have “Xming” running in the background.

Further useful tips

It is always useful to improve your knowledge of shell scripting. For example, I would recommend learning how to use loops, e.g.:

$ cd phantom; for x in src/main/*.*90; do echo $x; done

and string replacement:

$ export NAME=Daniel; echo ${NAME/Dan/Span}

You should also learn how to use the “grep” command to search for particular lines of code, e.g.:

$ grep "call deriv" ~/phantom/src/*/*.*90