Sorting particles during analysis

Phantom has some useful sorting routines if you need to get the particles in a particular order. These are in the module “utils_sort.f90” in src/main

Sorting by radius with origin set to 0,0,0

An example of how to sort by radius can be found in src/setup/phantomsetup.F90:

use dim,       only:maxp
use sortutils, only:indexxfunc
integer :: iorder(max)
call indexxfunc(npart,r2func_origin,xyzh,iorder)

this returns the integer array “iorder” which can be used to access the rank of each particle in radius. For example, to print the particles in order of radius we would then use

do i=1,npart
  j = iorder(i)
  r = sqrt(dot_product(xyzh(1:3,j),xyzh(1:3,j))
  print*,'r = ',r,' particle ',j

Using an origin other than 0,0,0

We can optionally set the origin using the “set_r2func_origin” function. Our modified version would be:

use sortutils, only:set_r2func_origin,indexxfunc
integer :: iorder(max)
real :: x0(3)
x0(:) = 0.
call set_r2func_origin(x0(1),x0(2),x0(3))
call indexxfunc(npart,r2func_origin,xyzh,iorder)

Using the centre of mass as the origin

In phantomsetup we set the origin to be the centre of mass of the particles, by calling the “set_centreofmass” subroutine:

call get_centreofmass(x0,v0,npart,xyzh,vxyzu)

Sorting by some other quantity

To sort by a general quantity (e.g. a real array “var”), just use the “indexx” routine from the same module:

real :: var(maxp)
call indexx(npart,var,iorder)